About Us

ANC Logo

Who We Are

We are Autism & Neurodiversity Coaching (ANC), a company founded in 2019 devoted to pushing for Neurodiversity Acceptance and understanding. We are Neurodiverse-led, so our information is authentic and built through real-life experience.

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate people about Neurodiversity & Mental Health by providing insightful information, exploring the strengths and struggles, and the ways of living being neurodiverse or having Mental Health conditions.

Our Services

We provide industry-leading, first-hand, experienced coaching for autistic individuals, their families, and businesses. The coaching we offer is from people who have been through all the positives and challenges of being autistic/ADHD and/or other neurodivergent conditions.


We thank you for visiting and we hope you will put your trust in our hands and let us deliver the best services for Neurodiversity & Mental Health.

Please find out more about our services and pricing HERE.

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