Well, as I've stated many times, I was 25 when I was diagnosed with autism, and growing up I thought I was just weird. But a weird quirk I picked up was being more perspective because I couldn't look people in the eye I looked elsewhere. And doing this a lot throughout the years has made me more perspective to many things, except people. I still struggle with that to this day.
Another strength I have is that I used to be good dealing with the heat, but due to a medical issue it has been somewhat diminished. I can handle up to a certain temperature in heavy clothing and not be too affected by it. I still remember the time where I walked in 30+c heat in heavy jeans, polo and a blazer several miles with no breeze.
The friend who I was with was melting and I'm walking along like it was a cool autumns day. I did have to get a drink when I got to my intended target but only because I had forgot to bring my water.
Not sure if this is a strength but it's also a weakness as well, it's a double-edged sword. But my hearing is a little more sensitive. Its good in the way of hearing things, for example, I'm in my room listening to some music or playing a game, and someone knocks on my door with the lightest of knocks, and I could hear that. The downside is if I'm in a busy area say a convention or out during Christmas shopping then all those different noises will get to me, this is why if I go out, I have some nice noise-canceling headphones.
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