Personally, I don't know if I have any correlation to these. Like I've been dyslexic for as long as I know, and I've been depressed since the age of 13. There could be times when they go hand in hand but from my experience, I don't see it. But I am just one person in a number of billions, so other people who have both could have depressive episodes due to theirs.
Life with dyslexia can be a struggle at times; misreading words, spelling mistakes, forgetting how simple things can be spelled, etc. But over the years I've been reading I've come to terms with these, and I simply take my time when reading and if I don't understand it, I'll read the line or page again.
But at times, I can be a voracious reader, especially when it comes to graphic novels. So, with these, there isn't too much text and pictures that go with the text, which makes it easier to read. Or I listen to audio books, so I don't even have to read at all.
Depression isn't much fun at all. Most days, it's a coin flip if I'm feeling average or if I'm depressed. Most days it feels like the latter, but I've gotten used to these negative thoughts. I've sought help in the past but to no avail so I will have to press on one day at a time.
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